This makes it easy to keep all your savings goals on track
of an A utomatic Savings Plan
Most people treat savings as an afterthought.
They deposit their whole paycheck into a checking account, and they
take money out of that account to pay the bills. Their savings is whatever
happens to be left over at the end of the month. Unfortunately, that often
means they save nothing at all.
With automatic savings, by contrast, you pay
yours elf first. A portion of your paycheck goes straight into savings
and never h
news its your checking account at all.
Saving this way has several advantages:
· It Keeps Your Savings Separate. As
the old saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind.” When you keep your
savings in a separate account, you no longer think of it as spending
money. The money is still there if you need it, but you won’t just burn
through it without thinking.
· It Forms Thrifty Habits.
Sending part of every paycheck straight into savings forces you
to make ends meet with what’s left. Over time, you get into
the habit of living on less. Once you get used to it, you may
not even miss the extra money.
· It’s Effortless. Once
you get your automatic savings plan set up, it keeps going by itself, with
no help from you. There’s nothing to remember and no math to do. Instead
of second-guessing yourself, asking how much you can afford to
set aside each month, you can sit back and let your savings take care of
· You Can Save for Multiple Goals. People save for many different reasons. For
instance, you might be trying and save up for a vacation. With automatic savings, you can pursue all
these goals at once. You can set up several savings accounts, one for
each goal, and transfer a fixed amount into each one every month. This makes it
easy to keep all your savings goals on track.
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